We recently tore out our carpet to reveal oak parquet tiles in the entire house (I think it was a lower-end style, and it is in bad shape in places).
Here is my question: is it OK to install either hardwood or engineered hardwood directly over our parquet floors? It is about 900 square feet total and my interior doors can handle an extra 3/4 inch height on the floor. Would nailing down work?
We have a raised subfloor, with over 1 inch plywood sheeting. The parquet has been in since 1969, and seems to be glued down well except for a couple of squeaky spots and some boards that felt loose around the perimeter (we noticed when pulling out the nails from the tack strip).
Will I come to regret it later if we lay a new floor over the top? Would it make a difference which type of floor we chose?
Thanks so much for any input! I have gotten different answers from contractors and don't know who to believe.