If this is a 3/4" solid, gently get your pry bar under the front T&G potion of the board you wish to remove and pry up gently. Don't wory about loosening up the boards around it. You can renail them later. Once the front is up a bit, using your mallet, hammer on the board toward the tongue, trying to knock it out. Once you've moved it a bit, you can tap on the groove side with a block of wood to knock it out of place. Then clean up the area and locate a new board to replace with. Renail the boards around it if they have been loosened up. Then reinstall the new board. Pretty easy really. Take maybe 5 minutes tops. If engineered, best to cut those staples and cut the board in half across the width to be able to remove it without damaging the surrounding boards. As you're working,always keep an eye on the wood around the board you're removing to make sure you are not damaging them.