I am about to DIY install 3/4 inch black walnut hardwood on approximately 835 square feet of concrete slabs that have 3 different heights

. The den side of this room is the lowest of the three. The gameroom side is higher than the den side and the open bar in the middle of the two rooms is the highest. I was planning on using 3/4 plywood on the den side and nailing the floor to that, as well as for the bar. However, on the gameroom side, we have 2 sets of french doors that go outside, the height of the threshold is only 1 5/16ths tall. Obviously 3/4 plywood + 3/4 hardwood will be too tall and i wont even be able to open the doors. I was thinking for this side of the room I may have to glue the floors down. Will this be safe for the wood and what is the appropriate moisture barrier for gluing down the floors on one side and for nailing it down on the other. I live in south louisiana by the way. I was also going to glue down the boards on the sides of the concrete on each side of the bar since it is the highest and on the other part where the den steps up into the gameroom. I will be using stairnoses here as well.