Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: How to get residue off floor
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:29 pm 
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Joined: Tue May 06, 2008 8:24 pm
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Help! I am extremely frustrated with my hardwood floor. We have the Armstrong Sugar Creek Solid Plank in cherry, so it is quite dark. We had been using the Orange Glo on it, so we have the same problem many others have had...a hazy, milky residue that we can't get off. I've read so many conflicting things I don't what to do to get this residue off. My second an attempt to get rid of the residue we hired someone who did a "floor renewal". He did only one room so we could see what his service actually provided. He apparently used a product to get the residue off, buffed the floor and then applied a layer of polyurethane. It looked great at first, but now I have noticed that the layer is peeling off and after sweeping this morning I could see the broom marks all over the room! This has never happened before! These marks are obviously in the coat he put on and not in the wood. Any suggestions??? I am just beside myself!

Amish made hardwood

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:06 pm 
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From what I understand, Orange Glow is a combination of acrylic waxes and urethane resins. I am fairly confident that one is NOT supposed to apply a urethane floor finish over it without fully stripping the Orange Glow off the floor. Like many wax type products, the old adage of "more is better" does not apply. Most wax type products need to be periodically stripped to apply more, or a hazy build up occurs. And that is most likely what you're seeing. Place a call to the manufacturer of Orange Glow to ask what they recommend to remove all of the product from your floor. Sometimes, a strong solution a ammonia is what is recommended to remove acrylic type waxes. But ask and make sure. Once it is fully stripped of Orange Glow, an assessment should be done to determine whether top apply an additional coat of a quality floor finish. Or have the floors fully sanded and refinished. The reason the floor finish is flacking off in the room that was "renewed" was that all the Orange Glow was not fully stripped off. It can be difficult. There was an old saying in the flooring industry that said, "once waxed, always waxed." Meaning when a wood floor gets waxed, it's very difficult to return to surface coatings as the wax permeates the floor and finish, making re-coating nearly impossible without a full sanding. I just looked at BONA's website re: their Wood Floor Polish, which I'm sure is quite similar to Orange Glow, if not the same thing. Here's what they say:
"Note: Bona Hardwood Floor Polish is not recoatable with finish. Hardwood Floor Polish must be completely removed by sanding to bare wood before recoating to ensure proper adhesion."

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