Hi, new guy to the site, been reading for a couple days though.
I have many questions but have to go buy some paint right now, I'll get a better diagram up later, but this will do for now.
We just purchased a split-entry house (walk in, small landing, 6 steps up, 6 down) with a typical layout of this style of house if you've been in them before (The 5 I've been in all have this layout).
The previous owners have wall-to-wall in every room upstairs (except the kitchen) and it's disgusting piss-filled carpet, we have most of it out. We were going to put down some wall-to-wall in the bedrooms temporarily until we do a future project. However, the cost of wall-to-wall rivals the cost of some hardwoods, so we might just want to go hardwood now.
Here's the deal. See my Master Bedroom and Spare Bedroom 2. The Master bedroom is TINY as is the master bathroom. We would like to in the future combine the two rooms, since we have another bedroom in the basement, and no kids (yet). Aside from the logistics of taking down the middle wall with closets, keeping the attic pull-down in place, and working out a system for the doors...how hard would it be to run the hardwood floors throughout the hallway and bedrooms now; then later when we remodel, insert a few feet wide worth of hardwood between the 2 existing floors?
I'm thinking difficult/impossible; plus we would be doing all kinds of construction on top of the new floor. Have you seen this style of house where they have joined those two rooms?
Would I be better just running the floor down the hallway up to the doorways, put carpet in for now, and then finish up the hardwood later?
Or, Just hardwood one room, carpet the other, then when we remodel, just continue the hardwood from where we left off?
Hope this all makes sense, thanks for any advice you can offer!
Can't afford a pro to install it at $3+/sqft, so this will be a DIY job with PLENTY of research done before-hand.
Forgive my artwork!