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 Post subject: Hope you guys can Help, Refinishing my floors.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:38 am 
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So guys I am hoping you all can help or share your opinion. First things first, I am a builder by trade so I have pretty good experience with most things, just have never refinished a floor myself and I am tired of waiting on my flooring guy to fix his crap.

Floor: 4" white oak, current stain "Coffee", 3 coats Bona Hd Satin.
*floor installed a year ago, started cupping. Between flooring suppliers and hardwood flooring guys arguing and checking moisture contents, etc.. no one can figure out why it happened, AND I AM PAST THIS and don't care anymore, so lets not try to figure it out here. (I am using waterborn, due to the fact I have huge windows on the West side of my house and takes direct sun in the afternoon and do not wish to have yellowing of floors with oil based)

At any rate the floors have been down about 13 months now, so whatever they are going to do, they have pretty much done it. The cupping is moderate, not severe, but you can feel it with your foot and see it when light shines across the floor. No boards are popped or even loose.

Here was my plan of attack, please tell me if it is wrong:
Belt sander: 24 grit, 40grit, 60grit, 100grit.
*due to cupping read I should go at 45 degree angles, different directions each pass, final pass done with direction of the grain.

Orbital sander will be used for edges with matching grits.

Waterpop floor prior to stain, After final pass with belt sander. Prior to staining the floor I planned on using a 100grit screen to take out some of the roughness of the water pop.
*should I screen After belt sander before water poping, then again after water popping?

Stain: dura seal - coffee brown

1st coat Bona - Traffic HD 50/50 semigloss / satin
*want a little more shine then I have now with just satin

Pole sand - 180 grit

2nd coat Bona - Traffic Hd 50/50 mix

pole sand - 180grit

3rd and final coat Bona Traffic HD 50/50 mix.

*Any Opinions on process would be greatly appreciated.

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 Post subject: Re: Hope you guys can Help, Refinishing my floors.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:38 pm 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:02 am
Posts: 1757
The flooring was flat once, so you should not need to diagonally sand it @ 45. Start with the 40 grit at a seven degree angle, then go to 60 with the grain to get 40 scratches. Rent an edger to get the edges starting with 40 or 50.. Screen after sanding with 100, then pop. When dry, stain. Then apply the water-based finish.
Screening after the popping will close the grain so it won't get really dark.

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 Post subject: Re: Hope you guys can Help, Refinishing my floors.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:14 am 
New User

Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:20 am
Posts: 2
Thanks for the reply... I had seen the question about water popping answered both ways. Makes sense about closing the grain.

One of the main reasons I had thought about doing the 45 degree was I had seen it suggested by someone else for cupping and on Bona's video's they recommend it. But if you say 7 degree will work, I trust ya.

would you use a buffer with 200grit screen or pole sander with 180grit between coats of poly?

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 Post subject: Re: Hope you guys can Help, Refinishing my floors.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:07 pm 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:02 am
Posts: 1757
Hand sand and or buff with 180 grit in between coats.

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