Qrick wrote:
Thanks for the tips, I'm really glad I found this forum

. I'm a little scared after reading some of the horror stories online. I can't decide if strand bamboo is just a bad product or is it ok given the right temp and humidity controls? If I do go with it, I think maybe the threshold or T-molding is the safest, albeit not the most attractive for the doorway. I live in the northeast in a relatively new home. I have A/C and a humidifier attached to the duct. I keep it set around the 35-40% range in winter.
@JIMMIEM -- about the "shaving" comment, if I butted the planks against the header I was going to try and smooth out the 1/8" difference in height by sanding or shaving the header down a bit. Won't be doing that now as I will be taking a safe approach and using some kind of expansion molding.
Does the left side (lock side) of the door jamb have the same profile as the right (hinge) side? Looks different in the picture....maybe the camera angle. If so and you if you go with the bamboo you might consider replacing the header with a wide T type (saddle) molding that would cover the edges of the oak and bamboo and leave an expansion gap underneath.
Also, your humidity setting might be a bit low.