Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Hardwood parquet on a concrete slab with moisture
PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:55 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:30 pm
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I'm in south Louisiana. I lost my parquet floor glued down in 1981 due to a moisture problem. The mold and mildew had really mad a big, stinky, rotting wood mess. The parquet is 3/8" thick. I got it from Peace flooring in Magnolia, Ark. After pulling up the original parquet, I glued down sheet vinyl, then glued the new parquet to the vinyl. Didnt work. About two weeks after finishing the floor, the vinyl started debonding from the concrete. We pulled it up in long narrow sections with the vinyl still attached to the wood. Seems like we could put it back down, we numbered and grided the large sections of the floor. What would the experts advise? We have moisture show up on the backside of a rubber doormat, but not everyday. I've not done a quantitative moisture test. I know it is present at two different spots in the room. The moisture migrated for years from the two spots from what I could tell when we pulled the old floor up. We had some surface repair to do. From what I've read, MVP4 seems like the product that would offer moisture protection for the new floor. I'm in the process of getting the vinyl adhesive and the original PVA glue up. A very hard and time consuming task. Will the MVP4 bond to the power troweled concrete and the patch work? Will the MVP4 accept an adhesive for vinyl, since it is has the finished parquet glued to it? In effect now, I have a prefinished floor sitting in my workshop ready to go back in the living room! Does anyone have another suggestion?


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