Instructions for my Bruce click-lock floating floor (no glue, on slab) say for first course to lay the groove facing the starting wall. Doesn't that mean for the rest of the courses you'll be tapping on the tongues to snug-up, and if so that seems the opposite to what you'd want. Seems like you'd want to be tapping on the flat side of the board not on the tongues to avoid damage to the tongue (I have a tapping block though). Just wondered why the grooves face the wall.
And Bruce also recommends allowing 1/2 inch at walls for expansion. Is this critical and do you REALLY need a full 1/2 inch for a small (10 x 10) room ? My quarter round is only 5/8 wide, so that means I only have a slim 1/8 left to overlap the floor boards.
Rookie Bob