I'm just finishing up my first glue down on concrete and I can say this- HAT'S OFF TO THOSE OF YOU THAT DO THIS FOR A LIVING

This was 5 times harder than staple/nail down IMO....
Anyway, do you need a barrier? I think most manufacture's are going to say yes. You still need to test for moisture content and fix any issues that may arise from drainage issues, etc, but likely you won't have any....
I did use a vapor barrier for piece of mind. I suppose if you're putting down a small amount of flooring in a low traffic area you could roll the dice but if you're doing 300 sq. ft. or more then it's probably not a good idea not to use one.
You can use a two step process, the vapor barrier applied using a trowel then afterwards glue down the flooring over that with the adhesive, or you can use a "single step", or "One step" adhesive that has both the vapor barrier and adhesive combined and you spread it only once to install the flooring.....