IMHO, I don't see why someone would glue the starter rows, when you can cover topnailing the 1st row with base, and toenail proceeding rows

. Now on the last few rows, depending on widths, usually I'm just gluing 1 or 2 rows, ( PL in a ziz zag pattern ), then topnailing last row with base covering.
Myself...I dont feel comfortable with "just gluing" much more than that ,( without nailing also). With the new addition of the Crain Close to Wall Staple Tool, it will limit if not eliminate the need for any gluing last rows on a naildown. Ofcoarse a DIY probably wont be buying the Crain.
Really never liked face nailing pre-finished. Depending on the product, it's darn near impossible to make it invisible. And if you do manage to make it invisible, it's temporary.
As far as gluing and nailing long term expansion effects... There are more and more manufacturers that specify both on wider products. You dont get the expansion from a 7" width as you do a floor with 2 1/2" widths. So they must feel comfortable on the wider planks. Ofcoarse I think their reasoning for gluing and nailing is cupping related, and a more solid installation. I dont see any reasoning for both on narrower widths.
IMHHO , I'm not sure if this is one of them...But I run accross issues that the NWFA needs to update.