My floor guy told me the easiest thing to do would be to glue the 3/4" directly to the ceramic tile.
The "easiest" thing??? Not quite. And not advisable. Can you make it work? Maybe...but I wouldn't put up my money to do it!
First of all, you're already worried about height, so why buy the thickest flooring? Go with an engineered floor, 3/8" or 1/2", that will help you from the start. Then you can decide how to go about the install.
(a) Float......float it right over the ceramic....less messy, more foregiving, and more cost effective.
(b) Take up tile and glue to the slab.....lowers the height, eliminates possible bond issues between the tile and wood, and removes the risk of tile coming loose from the slab, therefore causing a failure.
(c) Last resort, glue to the tile directly.....and then, check with the adhesive manufacturer for their prep and installation requirements and FOLLOW THEM TO THE T!