Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Glazing old hardwood
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:15 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:12 pm
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We are attempting to finish our old hardwood floors and are looking for opinions on options. A little background - we have a small pre-1950s cinder block house built on a crawl space. A while back we removed old carpet that had been covering what appears to be old Bruce like hardwood that was in pretty bad shape. We originally did minor basic refinishing but could not afford to do any major repairs. We eventually decided to paint the floor and used a Sherwin Williams floor paint throughout the house. We decided against doing a poly finish coat because I wanted a flat, sort of whitewashed, finish. The floors did well for a while, but as I'm sure you all suspect they're looking pretty rough after three years and they are difficult to keep clean without that hard finish. So, we are prepared to redo them. I am considering trying to do a glazing technique on the floors (like they do on walls) to give the floors some depth of color instead of just the plain solid paint. We would, of course, cover something like this with poly to give it some protection. Has anyone ever tried something like this? I'm open to opinions and criticisms. Thanks.

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Amish made hardwood

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