Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Formaldehyde warnings
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:39 am 
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Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:33 pm
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The Armstrong installation instructions for engineered products contains a warning stating that these products emit formaldehyde and list various respiratory problems that it can cause. I called the company to inquire about this and was told it only applied to engineered products, so presumably it has to do with how the plies are pressed together. They state that research is ongoing about the long-term risks of formaldehyde exposure, which suggests that the formaldehyde in the wood does not dissipate in a short amount of time. They also state that high temperature and humidity raise formaldehyde levels and therefore they suggest use of air conditioners in hot summers but at the same time lack of ventilation also permits formaldehyde and other contaminants to accumulate in the air, which seems to be a catch-22. While the warning is stated to apply to Minnesota residents only, it seems safe to assume that it would apply to other human beings as well if only their governments were as vigilant about the public health as MN is.

Does anyone have any knowledge about this? For example,
Is this a good reason to use thin solid wood rather than engineered in an application where engineered is otherwise considered better than solid?
Would it be true of all engineered products or are there any companies that manufacture engineered wood using a process that doesn't cause formaldehyde emissions?
Have you ever heard about anyone actually affected by formaldehyde emissions?
Is carpeting any better?
Do we also get formaldehyde in furniture made of particle board or pressed board?
Are there any organizations that are concerned about this and that might be able to advise about products that do not contain formaldehyde?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:05 pm 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:34 am
Posts: 20
Location: lancaster pa
check out kahrs engineered flooring , they have low to no emissions!

call thier tech support, I am almost possitive all thier flooring is formaldahyde free ... eline.aspx

diy'r in lancaster pa

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