I recently had my contractor install 1500 sq. ft of unfinished, clear, long length, qtr/rift sawn white oak. I wasn't very happy with the wood (lots of sap, wide color variation, mineral streaks, etc.), and later found out that select and better was installed instead of clear. I'm getting some money back and I would like to remove the existing floor and start over again. My concern is that many of the flooring companies where I live (SF, CA) seem to find is very amusing that the samples are 'always better' than what they ship. I don't have a problem with paying more if I get better quality, but I don't want to get into a situation (again) where I have to hand sort 4500 lbs of lumber. I'm tied (financially) to the white oak because that's what we did the stairs in. I'm very concerned that it will be very difficult to find a supplier that can provide a floor anywhere near as nice as the samples I've seen (the prior supplier was Taylor Lumber in Ohio.) I’ve seen some recent installs of exotic woods (santos mahogany, etc.) that seem to be very close to the samples in the stores, but this would require that I re-do the stairs. What's a frustrated homeowner to do?
Thanks for your time.