Floorguy wrote:
I suggest R&R base where it works out. That was a new home that they had cheap carpet installed to close, and before they moved in, I came in and installed the wood.
Notice how the base wraps and ties into other areas. Making the base step up, where the wood was installed, would look terrible. If there was a doorcasing to terminate, instead of wrapping around openings, it would work.
Most existing homes getting new floors, in random areas, are like that. It would look funny, or your ripping down the existing base, to match.
I have on one job, before I removed the base, I set my undercut saw up and ripped it down on the wall, then removed it and reused it, already cut down.
It is all about the bottom dollar to most clients. It comes out a little less cost to buy and install shoe or quarter round, and they don't have to recaulk and paint the whole baseboard.
I'm a strong believer in removing and reseting base. IMO it's a lot cleaner, professional look, shoe or quarter round looks o.k. on cabinets.
Also like mentioned...I have found termites behind base. Not to mention mold. And solved moisture problems that were not visible with the base on.
Out here, removing base is something the customer prefers, and it seperates me from the other bids that are afraid to do that, and will just slap on shoe, or quarter round.
I will remove the base, clean it up, and run it through the table saw,( that way it's a clean rip), to match up with the rest of the house. At the areas where it continues into tile, I will undercut that, and slide the wood under.
I can r&r base, caulked in( top,bottom,corners,& holes) ready for touch up for the same price, or less, than installers that install shoe or quarter round. Considering the price of prefin. quarter round ( & 7' lengths

),installation, or painting shoe,installation, caulking, and touchup.
A lot of homes out here have round outside corners. Mitred shoe looks like c_ap. Not to mention what shoe or quarter round does to the height and profile of the base. It looks like a weekend warrior installed the job. Can you tell I'm pationate on this subject ?