If you are using a random orbital sander to finish the sanding after the edging you ought to use 120 grit instead of a sanding screen. After the final sanding with the 120 grit it will help the stain to soak in evenly if you go over the whole floor firmly with a piece of 80 grit paper folded in half, or thirds depending on the size of your paper, with the grain and even into the corners where you have scraped to bare wood and have the floor smooth, first. This will open the grain so the stain can absorb to give an even color. Be sure to check for machine sanding marks and if you see any, scrape with a sharp scraper first before the hand sanding, to save time. Keep the scraper sharp with a mill file so you can scrape a shaving with medium pressure. I use #2 steel wool to buff after the stain is completely dry to get any excess stain off the surface. Extra pigment left on the surface will leave an adhesion problem, sometime. The color of the floor ought to look like it did when the stain was freshly applied, before it dries, after the first coat of finish is applied. I use 150 or 180 grit between coats of finish, but a used 100 grit paper will work fine to cut back any grain raise after the first coat is dry. Just get it smooth and powdery before the second coat.