We need to install a floating floor over a subfloor consisting of concrete slab with old, hard, very well-adhered asbestos tile. The surface is quite flat. The advice is that leaving the tile in place is safer than removing it. But, wall-to-wall tile was previously installed, so the nail strips that hold the carpet have been nailed through the tile and into the concrete around the perimeter.
Does anyone have experience with the asbestos related problems involved in doing this? It would seem that removing the wood strips could create some asbestos dust as the nails pull out through the tile. Or, one could split the strips, leaving the nails which could be cut flush or nail in until flush. Or, an asbestos-removal contractor could be engaged to remove the strips. Another idea, from a designer, was to nail 3/4" strips at 16" OC (nailing through the tile and the concrete) and then nail 3/4" hardwood flooring into these strips -- which again risks creating some asbestos dust as the nails go through the tile. Any ideas?