albany wrote:
What is the best way to fit a solid oak floor on concrete ?
The way I like to do it is to lay thin laminate foam down and cover all the concrete.
Cover the foam with a layer of 3/8 inch plywood so that the edges are parallel to the walls. Leave a quarter inch space between the sheets for expansion and stagger them so the ends don't line up.

Cut a 45 degree piece from a 4x8 sheet

and lay a second layer at 45 degrees to the room.
Fasten these two layers together with 5/8th inch brads. You are essentially making one sheet of 3/4 inch plywood the size of the room. The weight of it holds it in place. Using short cleats or staples you can now fasten any 3/4 inch flooring to this plywood.
This is similar to one system used to fasten gym floors in place over a huge concrete slab. The only difference is we put pads on the bottom of the first layer for the bounce needed, the plywood layers are 1/2 inch plywood and of course it it much larger than a residential application.
The only disadvantage is you gain 1 and a half inches in height.