I am looking for ideas, opinions and any suggestions on how to handle my 3/4 HW installation around my stone and mortar fireplace hearth. Please see the photos below.
I've gotten lots of good info on fireplace solutions on this site and other sources. As is often said though, every job is bit different and of course the devil is usually found in the details. I've looked closely at the Crain 812 and Crain 820 and was planning on undercutting the hearth about 1" deep and simply running the HW under it to about half that depth to provide some expansion space.
What I found however, because of overhanging stones and other protrusions, the Crain tools may not be able to reach in and cut the bottom of the hearth to a 1" depth. (In some spots, they may not reach in far enough to undercut at all.) Another problem with a 3/4" undercut that can be seen in the photos is that the bottom of the hearth drops back sharply in some areas right where the top of the 3/4" cut would be. I'm pretty sure this would result in blowing out chunks of mortar and result in the HW having to run even farther in under the hearth.
It appears the original hearth was built on a 1/4" sheet of masonite which was pulled out after completion which resulted in a 1/4" space under the entire hearth (except for about 2 - 3 inches at the rear corners (see photos below.) This made me think it might be better to slide in a border of 1/4" slate, tile, or even 1/4" oak plywood to picture frame the hearth and run my HW up to that border providing expansion at the juncture with a reducer molding.
Another idea I've had is to continue out from the existing 5/4 x 6 scribed trim boards on either side of the fireplace with 3/4" thick - 1 x 6 oak with a matching dark stain onto the floor and around the hearth. The 1x6 could be scribed to the hearth and caulk any spaces or even router down to 1/4" in the scribed portion to slide under the hearth. This would provide a clean continous trimmed look around the entire fireplace and hearth without adding another contrasting feature, color or material between the fireplace and HW floor as would be the case with a border of slate or tile. The HW could then run up to this 1 x 6 wood trim and provide exapnasion at this juncture under a T moulding.
I apologize for the length of this post but thought it necessary to fully explain my situation. I would appreciate any ideas, advice or other suggestions on how best to handle this from an esthetic perspective and of course varying degrees of difficulty.