Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Finally landed an awesome gig!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:39 am 
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Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:07 pm
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Location: Burbs of Chicago
Hey all, long time since I posted anything, just been busy-finally! Been getting a ton of calls and thats good, finally breaking my dry spell.
Anyways just thought I share some awesome pics of what 2.5million will get you in the city of Chicago- and its awsome views, but for a suburb guy its not for me.

Got a 2 month gig installing subfloor and prefinished bamboo in a few condos in this new highrise downtown right on the lake. Never had a big oppurtunity like this so Im super excited and brought along my son to show him how the big shots live, lol. Maybe this will keep him on track and keep him getting those straight A's and getting his education on!
Heres a few pics of the building and interior and views, not bad huh guys? Ill never be able to afford one but maybe my son will some day,lol.

Oh yea it has like 33 stories and the place is called Museum Park.
My 13yr old taking in the views of the lake, Navy Pier, Museum, Shedd Aquarium, and Soldier Field and thats not all!

The views were fantastic!

Resting after all the stuff we had to bring up!
Alot of work to be done here. This unit alone is about 3000sq ft.

My son asked me if I felt important working on a job like this, working on "rich peoples houses" and even though is sounds funny, I told him yea, I told him out off alot of other contractors they chose us to do their homes, and thats a feeling of pride gentlemen. I told my son I might not be rich, but I work hard and its an honest living and we get to have moments like this every now and then.

Sorry this post was so long but just wanted to share these photos with you guys and hope you all are working hard and getting alot of jobs.

Ill post the finished job photos when we are done.


Amish made hardwood

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:12 am 
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I don't miss humping all that stuff up in elevators. 3,000 sf of plywood could take an entire day... waiting on others working in the place. I do miss the great views however. Keep the pics coming.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:19 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:07 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Burbs of Chicago
Sorry Im so dumb, we are only allowed up to the 33rd floor, theres freaking 62 of em!
I got to sneek up the stairs to the penthouse thats under finishung construction, DANG, Im afraid of heights and thats way tohigh for me.

All glass enclosed up there and I felt like the building was moving under me and like I was gonna faint being up so high looking down!

Forget that, if I was that rich I'd buy a huge house!

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