My husband and our contractor friend are installing our hardwood this weekend. They were supposed to undercut the drywall so we could leave a 3/4" gap on all sides. However, in their infinite wisdom (and my absence) they did not do that and only left 1/4" on all sides

Neither one believes a 3/4" gap is necessary. The instructions for the hardwood state minimum of 1/2", larger for larger rooms.
It's a 3/4" solid patagonian rosewood floor, stapled, going over a 9' basement. The good news is, we can always undercut the drywall after the fact too. The living room is 13' wide and 24' long, with the wood going the length of the room (so the major expansion will be over the 13' width). The bedroom is 15' by 16', and then a 3' wide hallway.
How exactly does wood move when it's stapled anyway? If I can explain that to them, maybe they'll believe me
So, who is right? And how important is it that I make them go back and undercut the drywall?