The day after the final polyurethane coat (oil-based) was applied we noticed tiny hairlike fibers throughout the entire finish. I contacted the company and
they sent out a different crew to check the work. The men said that whoever did the job probably used an older or dirty cloth to apply the finish. They
buffed the floor and put on another coat of polyurethane. The next day I still saw fibers (not as many) and scar marks where fibers had been buffed out.
The company owner came out and basically said that this is as good as it gets and the bumps will compress down and be less noticeable as time goes by.
We had the floors done 10 years ago and had a smooth, beautiful finish. The
company owner, who had done the floor 10 years ago, said the products have changed due to environmental regulations and that you can't get as
smooth of a finish. I find this hard to believe as I have yet to notice fibers in
any other home with hardwood floors. Has anyone ever heard about this?