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 Post subject: Fellas. We Aren't Getting Younger. Health Check
PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:58 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:08 pm
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Do yourself a favor and get annual physicals. I was recently diagnosed with prostrate cancer and had surgery done this past Monday the 11th. For years I didn't have any yearly physicals done, but only recently deceided at aged 49, it was time. Fortuntately it appears the cancer was caught early by all signs, but I won't have a definitive answer for a month or so. However, based on what I've learned it was contained and probably eliminated.

I've known a few men that died in their 50's because of the same. Do yourself and family a BIG favor....start paying attention to your health if you haven't already done so if you want to be around in your golden years and have fun with those grand kids and great grand kids.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:28 am 
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Damn Ken that was a close call, but glad to hear your gunna be allright.
I just turned 49 on 9/11 and have had my share of problems in the past year and a half. I never did the dr. thing either, 2 yrs ago i quit smoking 4 packs a day, i have went down hill ever since, Imagine that.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:17 am 
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Hi Ken, Well, I guess you have joined the club that I've belonged to for 5 yrs. When I was 50, I found out I had prostate cancer (I'm 55 now). I went to a few specialists at Stanford and other places. Read and researched a lot. Back then, they didn't have the DaVinci robotic surgery technique perfected and I could not get the only surgeon in my area that I trusted. So I opted for radiotherapy from a clinic in Georgia. Seeds plus external beam therapy. The good news is that I have been in remission ( PSA is less than .02 or basically, undetectable) ever since. And all the plumbing works just fine, thank you very much. Very negligible side effects, quite minor. A process I'd recommend to anyone facing prostate cancer. So I second your opinion about regular checkups. Prostate screening is recommended for every man starting at age 50 and sooner if you are in high risk groups. See your doctor today.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:25 pm 
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I interviewed for a job at the company that makes those radioactive seeds. It's a pretty cool technology.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:38 pm 
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Here's a funny story. It was shortly after 9/11/2001 that I was treated and all the airports had HEAVY security. So I'm boarding a plane in Atlanta to come back to CA and have to go through screening. There's a gaurd/security officer from some government agengy ( I can't remember which one) and I walk up and say that I've been treated with radioactive seeds and show him my doctors and hospital papers. He looks at me kinda oddly and says, "OK, yeah, so what." I said I might set off the detectors IF they're set real sensitive. He say's " Oh, Ok." and walks away. Then a few minutes later he comes back and says, "Are you radioactive?". I kinda laughed and said, "Yea, in a way I am. Why?" He says, "Because you're making my meter that reads radioactivity go wild." I explain again to him about my procedure and he finally understands and walks away. I had to chuckle over that one for awhile.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:57 am 
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Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:26 am
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For heavens sakes, I hate to hear that Ken. I'll be praying for you and Gary. I'm 53 and get a physical every year. Smoke 2 packs a day but healthy as a horse, go figure.

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