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 Post subject: Favorite tools...
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:01 pm 
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Hey all,
Just wondering what your favorite tools are for installing and finishing, just wanted to know some others preferences.
Any special tools you guys use or recommend? Fien, special cutting saws or things like that you want to share with the rest of us?
Ill make my list tonight and post it tomarrow,lol.
Thanks for any feedback guys!



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:08 pm 
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I like my Lam-Hammer. It has worked well for what it is intended for and somethings it was not.

When you want it done WRIGHT

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:16 am 
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I like my Hitatchi Compound Sliding Saw. My Crain Super Saw has been handy. Pneumatic nailers, Senco and Bostitch, are real work savers. And for joining boards, my inexpensive Skil Biscuit Joiner works great. My Porter-Cable router is invaluable. I have a love/hate affair with my Hummel and there's no better edger than my Clarke Super 7. I have an OLD Bosch jig saw the still works great. And I like my DeWalt 10" powered miter saw very much. So much better than the old Makita's I used to use. My biggest waste of money and general POS, my Power Nailer Model 200. A pneumatic cleat nailer for engineered. SLOW, EXPENSIVE and CUMBERSOME. Any 18 gauge stapler would "smoke it" for less money and do a better job.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:42 am 
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That's a hard one to answer because any tool I use regularly is my favorite.

Thinking back the Powernail Powerjack is a tool I did not know how bad I needed it until I used one.

I can't do without my Festool saw and router. Got 6 Paslode impulse guns that I use one or more everyday. The Crain 812 undercut saw is a must have for me. I like my airsled..... just too many to think of :D

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:54 am 
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As an inspector; my favorite tools are;
1. Automobile.
2. Moisture Meters.
3. Taper Gage.
4. 6" ruler.
6. 4' Steel ruler.
7. Computer.
:roll: :shock: :D :!:

Ray Darrah
Hardwood Floor Inspections. Laminate & Tile Floors

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:48 pm 
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I have to agree with Jerry. The powerjack is a must have. Its a simple tool that costs a lot but makes this go so much better. No more cro-bar, chisel, or screw driver trying to press boards together.
Another tool i think comes in very handy is the fein multimaster. Again an expensive tool with expensive blades and such but has come in handy soooo many times because its so versatile.

Fein Multimaster

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:24 pm 
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GoodHouse wrote:
I have to agree with Jerry. The powerjack is a must have. Its a simple tool that costs a lot but makes this go so much better. No more cro-bar, chisel, or screw driver trying to press boards together.
Another tool i think comes in very handy is the fein multimaster. Again an expensive tool with expensive blades and such but has come in handy soooo many times because its so versatile.

Fein Multimaster

Ditto on both of those, easily my two favorite tools. My only complaint is the fien blades. I know they are expensive. And thats fine (good things usually are) but thier math system LOL.

1 blade 30-40
3 packs 75-80
5 packs 100-125

Every once in a while I run low and forget to grab a few 3/5 packs, and my distribtors only have the singles in stock, Usually on the days I have to cut 4 or 5 flush mount vents into an existing floor.

Damn murphy and his law :P


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:28 pm 
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I dont get the pricing nor do i understand why they are so costly.

I mean i buy 5 decent 7 1/4" blades for circular saw for like 20 bucks but 1 little fein blade is like 30 bucks. I understand theres an extremely less amount of fein blades sold but thats some steep pricing. They dont seem to last very long. The sandpaper is pricey too.

Have you tried any of the aftermarket ones sold on ebay?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:50 pm 
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No I havent tried any of those, My experiences with ebay havent alweays worked out so well. So I have been heasitant.

30 a pop is pricey, I can usually cut 2 vents in maybe 3 with one blade. The cost of one blade is far less then the amount of time and effort of using skill/jig/sawzalls plus I get so many other usues out of it. So at the end of the day I am happy


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