I have pine floors on my 3rd floor. I'm pretty sure i have no subfloor - just floors on joists. The floor has gotten squeaky and a little bouncy in spots over time as the 1930s house has settled/sagged. I plan to put a pad and rug in this room (just ripped up old carpet). But first i want to deal with the squeaks mostly. I want to re-fasten these boards down to the joists.
I need advice on method and what nails or screws to use. A specific link to buy them would help since i'm an amateur. I dont want to rip anything up. I want to refasten existing floors, especially b/c im putting rug on top.
As of now I'm thinking of face-nailing with pilot holes b/c i dont want to split the floors, but not sure what nails to use. Is it better to use some kind of screws directly into joists?
I want to re-fasten floor to joists and not split wood. I'm also worried that face-nails will just loosen back up b/c house has settled a certain way, and maybe screws would be better, but worries about splitting wood. So what would really help me is:
1) what nail or screw should i use and where to buy 2) method of nailing or screwing (pilot holes?) 3) can I use a studfinder to find joists in this case? I'm bad at finding joists.