Greetings... This is my first post (as well as my first hardwood floor installation!?!?) and am looking for some guidance. I am installing random width (3", 6", 10", and 12") hard maple flooring.
The wood has been milled with a 1/4" underlap and 5/16" overlap to assure a tight joint. there are 1/8" relief grooves on the 6"+ boards to minimize cupping The wood is dried to around 8% and is in the house acclimating (probably for another 3 or 4 weeks, at least)
It is being installed in new construction, over a 3/4" T&G OSB sub-floor and the house is in the mid-west wher the humidity can get pretty high, but it is air conditioned, so the swings should not be too bad.
My questions have to do with fastening the floor.
1) what nails/nailer should I use ... I want to use standard flooring cleats (1 1/2" L head ?) and I have a pneumatic flooring nailer, but, while I could use this on the "hidden lip, I don't think I can use that to face nail ... can I?
2) what should I use underneath? ... tar paper, resin paper, I've even heard wax paper or newspaper!?!?

But I am also considering "nail and glue" which would preclude all of the above "paper". Any reason not to glue? I don't plan on doing this over any time soon:-)
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.