This isn't an easy answer. Personally, I think it will cost less, take no more time and be a neater and cleaner install using tubes of adhesive plus blind nailing. Some pros swear by full trowel application and no doubt, that will work well as I've done it. But it took longer and used much more adhesive. PL used to make a heavy duty adhesive in a large tube called PL 400. They still make it but do NOT use the water/latex low VOC formula. It may cup the flooring. Chemrex and Bostik's also make adhesives in tubes. I wouldn't use "Liquid Nails". Just not good enough. For a full trowel application, gluing down 3/4" flooring, the best coverage you can hope for is about 35 sq.ft. per gallon. So for 9000 sq. ft. divided by 35= 257 gallons. Bostik's BST comes in 5 gallon pails. So you would need approx. (52) 5 gallon pails at about $120.00 per 5 gallon pail = $6,500.00 for adhesive alone+tax and shipping.
I recall paying approx $5.00 for a large tube of PL400. Even if you got 50 sq.ft. per tube (doable), you would need 180 tubes x $5.00= $900.00. So for me, it's a no brainer. Sika also has a pretty cool system where you lay down their mat that has slotted cut-outs in it for the adhesive. Then you glue the flooring down using their adhesive. ... tem-us.pdf
Of course they make other adhesives as well that you could use without their acoustic mat. As someone once told me, choose your adhesive wisely.