OK guys...This is an oldie post that never really got any play. There is lots to say on these boards about this subject. I personally have next to no experience but I see a need for the knowledge as the trends aren't going to change for us.
I've been hearing good things about some products out there by folks like Chemrex/Degussa that are comming out with 2 part epoxy sealers that will penetrate, seal, etc. gypcrete for prep before glue down application of engeneered flooring.
Has anyone here used any of these systems yet?
The above printed post is nearly exactly to the letter a job we are being asked to do.
The product is the Owens - site finished - engineered 5" B.Cherry. and yes it is being requested to go over radiant heat, NO screeds (dangit!) and it IS Gypcrete (double dangit!!)
I've used 2 part Chemrex epoxy sealer before ($200.00 for 5 gal.) over concrete ... the stuff is amazing. I'll be calling a Chemrex tech guy tomorrow (actually today I'm red eyed at the moment) and I'll post any notable responses from them on the subject ... In the mean time ...
I'd like to hear from the peanut gallery (No offense Chuck

git it??... peanuts .... Georgia ... nevermind

) .
Thanks guys,