I have read in this forum, that 18 gauge cleats are better than 16 ga when using 3/8" engineered or bamboo.
What about for a thicker 3/4" engineered. Does the same rule of thumb for 18 gauge apply?
I am going to install about 1000 sq ft of that 3/4" engineered by a brand called vintage, solid sawn. The instructions of the product specify "18 gauge (recommendation only)". On their standard 3/4" domestic, they also recommend 18 gauge to reduce "dimpling", which i am assuming many would ignore.
I am hesitant to buy one of the 18 gauges, because the price ($500+ plus tax) for me is too high in comparison to 16 gauge, however, if it is "highly recommended" to do the job properly by the pros here, i would get it. I would rent one just for this one job, but my local main rental store does not supply 18ga.
would you recommend the 18 gauge for this application, or is the company trying to be too overprotective
thanks for your help! -b