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 Post subject: Does Loba Supra really look like raw wood?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:33 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:28 am
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I want to get my oak kitchen cabinets stripped and refinished with just a clear coat; I like the light and clean look of raw wood.

I've read that Loba 2k Supra doesn't change the appearance of the wood at all, but I want to make sure that means what I hope it does.

What started me doubting was that I've also read that Loba 2k Supra is virtually identical to Bona Traffic, but two cabinets refinishers I've talked to use the latter and told me that the Bona will darken the wood like when it's wet with water, which is a lot more than the water-based Varathane I've used.

To further confuse things, one of the refinishers said he uses Bona Traffic; when I asked if it was 1- or 2-part, he said 1.

Does 1- or 2-part make a difference in the amount of darkening?

The picture shows the current stain and the back of a door that I sanded bare, then finished half with 3 coats of water-based Varathane Crystal Clear Polyurethane Satin (all coats including final sanded w/220G).

As you can see, the Varathane applied to the top half only slightly darkens most of the planks, but the grain where the cut angle creates rings gets quite a bit darker.

I find it a bit too dramatic; I'm looking for a subtler, more refined look.

So what can I expect from Loba Supra and/or Bona Traffic?

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