Vaccuum Regularly with cannister style vac, horse-hair bristle head on the long atatchment (just like the ones us pros use before we put down finish) try electrolux or talk hubby into springing for a cool central vac in the home
Anyway, Look for neutral ph
hard wood floor specific cleaners at your local box store. Bruce brand is decent. Many local flooring shops in your town will probably cary thier favorite brand of cleaner too. BUT no Murphy's oil soap or pledge or johnsons or old english or anything else that leaves a soap or wax residue. If it is too late and youve done that ask you local floor shop for a concentrate of thier favorite brand (Bona Kemi, Poly care, Glitza ... )and mix it rich to exfoliate the floor then rinse with damp (not soaking wet) towels. Never use these products like a WET mop. Most come in a spray bottle for a reason.
Hope this helps.....