NOFMA nailing schedule stipulates that 2" fasteners are to be used for 3/4" solid wood flooring. They also say 5/8" plywood OR 3/4" OSB is the MINIMUM subfloor thickness for solid 3/4" strip and plank flooring. With either of these subfloor thicknesses, the fasteners will protrude through the bottom of the subfloor, though less for the 3/4" OSB. Some say when a fastener "blows through" the bottom, it loses some of it's holding power. This maybe true. However, I will tell you, in 30 years of installing flooring, I have not a had a floor fail because I used 2" fasteners. So, IMO, you may use either. EXCEPTION: If you are installing a solid over plywood over a concrete slab, then you must use a fastener that will not protrude through the bottom of the plywood. Then it is typically a 1&1/2" fastener for a solid over 3/4" plywood over concrete.