A little logic can go a long way in matters such as these. Let us start with patch. Narturally, if an adhesive company also happens to produce floor patch, they would want you to use them in tandem. As far as compatibility goes, that is a load. Bostiks best is 100 percent pure urethane. There exists nothing to my knowledge to which it will not bond. Concerning Ardex, I would opt for a less expensive alternative were it me. Why pay good money for nothing more than branding? As to warranty, I would take a minute to check out the Bostik Findley site. All of that sort of info is there.
It sounds to me like you have been getting advice from people who should bite their tongues and do some reading up instead. The term "moisture barrier" is one you should get out of your head. While it is quite true that Bostiks Best can behave as a vapor retarder, no one guarantees(by itself) it to do so. MVP in conjunction with either BST, Best or EFA offers the strongest warranty in the industry without a doubt. Even so, it is only guaranteed to limit emissions to 3 pounds, not eliminate them. All MVP really is is Bostiks Best with a couple of additives. People had been skimming slabs with Best for years before MVP was even imagined.