Some general answers to both posters questions. Air-conditioning acts a a DE-humidifier, rather than adding Humidity. So this works well in summer but a Humidifier will most likely be needed during the heating season. It is important to remember that neither of these have any function if they are not turned on, either due to mild weather or absence from the home. I wouldn't allow the RH to reach 65% for any solid wood, either domestic or exotic. There is no real reason to not use 1/2 inch flooring if it allows better accomodation to nosings, thresholds, etc. Goodfellow is an importer and distributor, not a manufacturer. The flooring bannered with their own label is milled in a variety of facilities, including China. The International Collection is finished by Mercier (in Quebec). They make a fine product so you shouldn't have any finishing issues. I cannot reliably say the same thing for the milling since it not always comes from the same root source. We have installed many Cumaru floors and in general they have performed well. I am not a big fan of these exotic woods, but feel if you maintain proper conditions for them you shouldn't have any signicant issues to deal with.
_________________ Dennis Coles