Cumaru will be like B. Cherry. Expect some fasteners to not set all the way, break, bend over, etc. Don't think I'd try just finish nailing a whole floor. Maybe if it was a very small one perhaps, like a short hallway or small entry. If nailing, you'll need the 15 lb. asphalt felt paper under the floor. If you're gonna glue and nail, skip the asphalt but make sure your subfloor and what's underneath it are very dry and will remain that way, with good ventilation as well. Some say cleats work better and others say staples. I really don't know. I suppose it may depend on which nailer you're using. I know some of the tongues will split and break as well. In this case, it may be wise to glue and nail since you can expect some tongue breakage. Unless you want to predrill and handnail.