Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: A contribution and a question
PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:33 am 
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Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:14 am
Posts: 1
First, my question. We are seriously planning on installing solid strand bamboo in our family room. If we like it, we’ll move to other parts of the house. I’ve been reading about bamboo for over a year now. As those who’ve also researched bamboo, you know how frustrating this is. Conflicting information, warnings about buying the wrong brand, exaggerated claims. All sources seem to agree that strand is the hardest type of bamboo flooring. And we like the look. I just need to hear some testimonial about the stuff.

Does anyone have firsthand experience with strand bamboo? And what brand?

Now I’d like to contribute a little information. In our bedroom, we installed engineered vertical bamboo about 9 months ago. Natural (not carbonized), with aluminum oxide coating. We had to do floating because we have tile that we have been told probably contains asbestos. We went through Lowes using Tecsun brand. We are basically pleased. There were some problems, but none serious. There is a little uneveness in the quarter-round in one area. The installers were young, I don’t think Id want them to do anything complicated.

It was the click together type of flooring, but we insisted that they pieces be glued together. We read, probably here, that this reduces squeaking. Being floating it does have a slight hollow sound. That is little problem in the bedroom, we usually don’t have shoes, and it gets less traffic than a hallway. As far as wear, we’re happy. There is one dent, made when my wife dropped a heavy coffee mug. No problem at all with scratches, even with our 80 lb. Lab.

It looks very clean and modern, which can be a plus. Just don’t try to mix this floor with rustic or county décor. At least, that’s my feeling.

I hope this helps and I do hope someone can share info on strand woven bamboo.


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