My contractor send over a 18 yo to sand and refinish my floors, who of course had not experiece. The first sand and stain was awful, he didn't even get the poly up off the old floor and put stain over it. He send over another guy to sand which he did a good job, the young man stained with a brush and left it on overnight, came back the next day and whipped off some of the stain, with some rags, hit and miss. He then put poly on top of the wet stain. Well guess what, he went up and down applying the poly instead of end to end with the grain, you can see each of his paths where the poly looked like it pooled (3 sections) and at the end of the wall a path of pooled poly. The contractor was to put another coat of poly on it without sanding. I told him no. I told him to have the contractor to call me, needless to say we parted ways. I may not know all about refinishing hardwood floors but have enough sense to go across with the poly and to sand in between coats, the contractor said they would sand after the 3rd coat of poly, is this common practice in floor refinishing. It was water based which raised the grain and feel rough. Well I got another floor guys opinion today and he said the lines are where the stain was pulled up by the poly since the stain was still wetand will not go away, only way to get them out is to resand and refinish. This is a insurance cliam process. Now what do I do. ? Any advice