Hello, I am a first time poster. I found this website while I was searching the internet for my concerns regarding my floor install. It appear to be a wealth of information and any advice will be greatly appreciated.
We purchased a house at the end of January. We hired a company to refinish the hardwood in the house and place additional hardwood in the kitchen. The total square footage was 1100. We were hoping the floors would have been completed this weekend. We have been very patient thoughout the whole process and we were hoping to finally be able to move in. My wife went to inspect the house and there were circular scratches thoughout the hardwood floors. There also were imperfections in the poly that appeared to be debris and small hairs/fibers. The floor had a mottled appearance. Furthmore, there were linear streaks in the floors that were areas that took up the stain differently, possibly from the sanding process. The installer agreed on the imperfections, mostly the scratches. He says it is an easy fix with buffing and applying another coat of poly.
Today he came and buffed the floor with plans to apply poly tomorrow. When the floor is buffed, should the floor all be dull or will there be areas of shine and dullness? I have attached photos from today that show the mottled appearance and darker linear streaks. Are these legimate concerns? Are those linear streaks common with a darker stain? We used Old Masters special walnut as a stain. Do you guys feel buffing and application of poly will resolve the problem? I do not have pictures of the scratches