Ugh. I feel I just can't seem to win with this hardwood. So as per previous thread, we noticed a bit of gapping and I was becoming concerned the humidity levels might be too low. Had hardwood flooring guy in, he said the ideal target for the product I have is 40% RH.
So, I got a central humidifier installed, and over last two or three days have inched up from about 30% to about 36% (based not only on the dial, but on a humidistat we have upstairs, so I trust the reading).
Then we get a bit of a cold snap overnight (-18c, 0f) and I notice heavy condensation on the windows this morning. To the point it's even dripping down to the sill...
So I do a bit of research and note that the standard humidifier recommendation for temp -18c/0f outside is no more than 25% RH inside! It's not even a window quality issue, as I read countless tales of window experts who say even triple pane high quality windows will steam up at 35% RH if outside is -18c/0f... AND if it gets colder -28c/-30f -- which it absolutely does where I live -- they say it should not be more than 15% humidity!
So I feel like I just flushed a few hundred bucks down the drain getting a humidifier installed, to try to move humidity up a few % to a zone that I can't because my windows will sweat too much. I've basically turned the humidifer off already, and now can't imagine when we'll even use it since we never dropped below 30% RH in the first place.
Am I missing something?