Sounds like you've got a nasty job on your hands. Are you planning to resand the floor? If so, don't worry too much about scratching during the tear out. If not, be sure to CAREFULLY remove the material in managable size pieces to avoid dragging the stuff accross the floor.
A shop vac should take care of the bulk of the clean up. Try to use a soft bristle head with the vac so a hard plastic one doesn't scratch the floor.
You may want to wear disposable dust mask for your own comfort. Perry's right, no real harm, but nasty tasting dust and years of toe-jam

. Carpet dust is just plain nasty.
Once all the dust is gone and the corners sucked out with the vac, CAREFULLY and PATIENTLY (if you're not resanding) remove ALL them blister causing staples

(knee pads recommended ... you don't want a stray IN your knee

) I like to use a small, sharp flathead screwdriver and comfortable needle nose pliers. If you ARE resanding just yank em and toss em.
Now your left with tack strips along the perimeter. A smaller style prybar with the more slender profile will help in being more careful than the typical flat nail bar. Work those guys up gently at the nail so not to gouge the floor. For some reason, new guys fight with these things. There is a knac to it. Now I can just barely get the nails down the length slightly lifted then the whole thing comes up without breaking the strip into ten pieces.
Get some Harwood floor cleaning concentrate, follow the distructions, go to town cleaning. THEN find some matching Color Putty for all them cool holes, and VOILA ... you got her.
She won't be perfect after all these years, and that 'waffle' pad's gonna leave some stain and some patern marks that may not come out without the help of 8 horses and some belt paper, but she'll be better'n nasty ole carpet any day!!!!
Good Luck
PS Don't matter Tack Strips or staple first ... just happened to be the way I wrote it ....