So, after completing the install a day in advance on a smaller job ( two bedrooms, prefinished hardwood ), I left the client an invoice because she was not at home. I e-mailed the next day reminding her I left the invoice. She e-mails back saying she wants $300.00 off her bill because I did not "finish the job" on Saturday. I had gone back Tuesday to remove a bit of masking tape from one area and pickup the empty cartons. The floors were installed by Friday evening, a day earlier than we agreed upon ( not in writing BTW, only verbal ). Plus, I left her a full carton of flooring worth $175.00 ( my cost ). So this b***h figures she can screw me out of $300.00 by refusing to pay. At first, I threatened legal action, blah, blah, blah. Then I find out just how difficult it is filing a mechanics lien in CA. No problem filing the lien, BUT, here's the kicker, you have 90 days to "perfect" the lien, which means filing a lawsuit. And, you cannot use small claims to do that. It must be filed in Superior Court. So, I didn't see this one coming. So now, my two options are eat the 3 bills and accept her BS offer. Or, file a small claims lawsuit and pray the court isn't as effed up as she is. Either way, I'm the one getting screwed. I am so pissed off right now. This never happens to me. I just despise thieves and cheats. Obviously, she understands how to "work the system" in her favor. When stuff like this happens, I want to just quit and go work for someone else who can deal with these a-holes.