For stains, I always sanded to 100 on the machines, and then we scraped all the end walls and used an orbital with 100 grit on it; I also had my crew use LED mechanic's lights. These lights show up every mark on the floor, and it makes scraping much easier. Last procedure was to screen with 120. My sample panels are all done this way, so the customer saw the color as it would be with my sanding techniques. We always put samples on the floor. If they wanted it darker, than I'd water treat it.
About five years ago I was unhappy with a job where the 120 swirls showed up on the uneven parts, and I called 3M. They had a sanding expert that I talked to, and he told me about their new product, the yellow "easy change" discs. They're one-sided, and attach with velcro. You put two maroon pads on top of them, so that they ride the level changes better. I use 120 in this product, too. I've not had a problem with the swirls since changing over. I also use the 150 grit easy-change on maple floors.