Buckling is only caused the excessive moisture.
As an NWFA Inspector I have seen it from the following excessive relative humidity in the slab. Insuti testing will verify this must be less than 75%.
Drill a hole through the slab 5/8" look for ground cover under concrete. Utilizing a simple soil tester check how moist the soil is. Water running down a broken drain line from ac has caused what you are experiencing. Remember concrete is a just a solid sponge if water touches it it will increase moisture in the slab. Only testing can verify this. It may look dry, it may fell dry but only testing will verify it is so. Broken water pipes in slab can cause this I have seen it take 3 weeks to locate this situation. Improper grading of the land outside, most building codes require 6" drop in 10 feet, can cause water to pool against the slab and cause the wood to buckle. The floor will buckle at the place it is least secured to the slab not necessarily the wettest. Flood irrigating can be cause. If you have difficulty locating someone who knows this go to
www.woodfloors.org consumer website for the NWFA and locate an inspector in your area he will know exactly how to advise you. ONLY MOISTURE WILL CAUSE A WOOD FLOOR TO BUCKLE ONLY A TRAINED WOOD INSPECTOR WILL FIND IT FOR YOU.