Here is a little diagram of the home. The hardwood will run parrallel with the livingroom. The end will But up against the tile.
1. Should I run a piece of wood perpindicular with the tile, north and south along the right edge of the foyer?? And then butt the other pieces of hardwood against that?
2. Where should I start, as I am planning on doing my livingroom, beddrooms and the hallway. the hardwood floor will be 1/4" higher at the point where the hallway and kitchen meet.
3. Again the walls are a bit off. Being 1/2" wider at the far side of the livingroom compared to the walls close to the foyer. I would like to completely go from the livingroom to the hallway and the bedroom in one solid flow, instead of putting transitions all over the place.
Hopefully the questions that I am asking are clear. I can see it in my head but when writing it down, not sure if it is correct. My apoligies.