I'm just about to start my first installation with what I'm told is the hardest wood flooring on the market, after I boought it. I go it at an auction for $2.75/sq.ft.
Family Room is 14-1/2 ft by 15-ft. 200+
I have 2 more rooms to do, but I'll worry about those later...
1) What is the best Air nailer and nails/staples to use??
2) One side of the room has no wall, it is open to the kitchen. The kitchen flooring is Ceramic tile with a Marble strip border. The hardwood will be installed length-wise against the marble, so I assume I have to start there and work my way to the opposite wall to facilitate an even 1/4" gap all along the marble.
3) I also assume that the all tongues will have to be installed facing the opposite wall rather than towards the marble strip. Is this correct? Or should the first strip at the marble strip have the tongue facing it, and the rest the opposite?
4) How do I secure the first strip along the marble?? There is also a 3 foot section of the marble stripping that turns 45 degrees into the family room that I need to cut the hardwood at 45 degrees to fit. Is there something different I need to do for that area??
5) Thank you in advance for any light you can shed to get me started.