The plan: 1/2" Thick 5" x 48" engineered planks using a nail down install on 3/4" CDX. I want a simple border. The thought is 2 planks of the dark field color, 1 plank of a lighter shade, then the field. Mitered corners.
I'm strugling with the decision to start with the field, and then do the border, or do a traditional "one side to the other" install and building border into it as I go along. Exact measurements, which I haven't taken yet, will be part of the decision process, but input is valued. My gut feeling is to build the border as I go. This is due mainly to the fact that I'm very hesitant to get the floor 80% done and then take a circular saw or router to it. Valid concern, or am I just being a wuss?

In normal construction I can't cut a straight line with a circular saw to save my life. A straight edge would undoubtedly help, but the thought still bothers me.
I searched, but the only similar question I found dealt with a diagonal install and the answer was definitely start with the field. I couldn't find this answered in regard to a traditional install.
Input is appreciated. I hope I'm not being too much of a noob...