First off gloss is going to magnify everything. I would have cut it with 40 then 80 then 100 on big machine.Alternate directions every time you switch grits. Random orbit sand everywhere edger went with 80 grit.use a trouble light with this to help see light scratches your are trying to remove. Change this paper often. Polish with 120-150 , keep buffer moving, once screen has dulled go over where you started with it new. If job is over 5-600 ft flip screen midway. Vacume it up and water pop, this helps stain go in evenly and dissolve away any scratches. Let water dry completely. A fan helps. Put your 2 coats of mega on , make sure heat is down in house, finish is cool, finish levels better & gives you more working time. If you are seeing swirls in finish you have polished between coats with too course of screen or paper. You can put your first coats on of satin, buff with 220 grit sticky back paper then clean up for final coat with gloss. Good luck, you can do it.