I am planning my DIY installation of a floating cork plank floor. I know I will be laying my floor parallel to the longest wall, but since I am laying the same flooring throughout the downstairs and will be taking several days if not a week to accomplish the task, I am wanting to know the best place to start. I do not want to have transitions since it is the same flooring (floating cork planks). I think I would like to start in the northeast corner of my bedroom and make my way south and east until I finish in the utility area (southeast corner). In doing this, I have pre-planned the width of my first row in the bedroom so that I do not end up with a very narrow row elsewhere in the house. My main question is how to handle areas such as my walk in kitchen pantry. Will I have to plan and measure the planks inside the pantry so they match up perfectly with the row that ends up running along the doorway in front of the pantry? Could I, instead, finish the inside of the pantry last? Would this work with a click and lock floating floor install since it would be like installing the planks from the opposite side?