Patagonia Rosewood looks really beautiful.
Yeah, because I have lots of time on my hands

I've looked into the FSC label and what it means. It seems as if it's not really a credible label. If anyone is interested, the following is what i learned. If you're not, Stop reading!!! It's kind of a debbie downer moment for those who really want to buy an exotic wood and feel unsure about it. I want to buy an exotic wood and now I almost wish I hadn't looked into it.
From what i've read, there are three FSC labels: FSC Pure, FSC Mixed, and FSC Recycled. FSC Pure is supposed to mean that 100% of the wood product comes from sustainable and responsible forestry. I have read the FSC Pure criteria and I do not see that it explicity states that wood bearing this label does not come from old growth forest. You have to call the wood manufacturer and ask. I've asked several environmental organizations and wood flooring manufacturers if FSC Pure Braz. Cherry even exists, and I've been told over and over again, Absolutely not. This is true of other exotic species. Also, there have been problems with the independent oversight of FSC forests and monoculture/tree plantations are ok under this label.
Most FSC certified wood out there is FSC Mixed. That generally means that the wear layer is not FSC certified, but that the backing wood is. You can see the problem there. FSC Mixed certified Brazilian Cherry means the Brazilian Cherry can come from anywhere - generally old
growth rainforest in Brazil.
I'm not interested in judging anyone who buys or sells exotic woods. For me, I just don't feel right about it. I will say, though, that EcoTimber - a company I think is trying to do the right thing - doesn't sell tropical species anymore, because they can't claim that it's FSC Pure, and FSC Mixed doesn't mean very much.
I love the look of exotic species!!!! I want to match that Braz. Cherry!!!! I would love to suck it up and just buy some anyway. It doesn't sit right, though, so maybe I'll look more into those exotic looking domestics you guys recommended to me.